Deemonayyz Blog

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Brave New World - essay preparation

I think i know how to handle this essay much better than the last one on The Tempest. The practice has helped me and i feel readily prepared. I have been thinking about what i'd like to say about the novel and out of all the complex ideas within, i think i'm going to merely contrast the novel to our own society; and going to compare the similarities in the novel with our society today. There are so many ways that Huxley's fictitious society could be a prophesy for the future, as well as, a profound fantasy. I would like to call these concepts into question and see what theories i may be able to produce. I have also decided on the texts i'm going to synthesize with my analysis: Huxley's Brave New World Revisited, Neil Postman's Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, and Sir Ken Robinson's RSA animate. 

Brave New World Revisited is a good text to use i feel because Huxley certainly knows his novel better than any other scholar. He provides valuable insights into it and how the society in his novel operates. I'm going to use this to dramatize the possibilities for own own society. 

Neil Postman's  Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology has vastly interesting theories about industry and technology. I plan to use this text as a bridge in my analysis between Huxley's novel and what i want to say about its connections and possible predictions to the real world. I can use his arguments to parallel my own and act as a backdrop for my opinions.

Finally and lastly, i will use Sir Ken Robinson's RSA animate. As can be seen in my previous blog post, there are a number of ways Robinson's opinions on American education relate to concepts in Brave New World. I'm going to use my previous arguments on this and synthesize new ones as well to reinforce my thesis for my essay.