Deemonayyz Blog

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Tempest essay preparation

In discussions of postcolonialism, one controversial issue in the Tempest has been whether the dominated culture -in this case the character Caliban- is wronged or the domineering Prospero maintains justification. On the one hand, George Will argues this is an unjustified political response. On the other hand, Stephen Greenblatt contends (with evidence) that Shakespeare deliberately wanted to explore this concept. He connects Shakespeare's research and interest in imperialism with his purpose in The Tempest. Others even maintain that it was his main purpose in writing The Tempest. However, my own view is congruent with Greenblatt's. I feel Shakespeare's main interest in writing this poetry was to call question to the concept and he pulled his interest from the colonization of the native americas.
In my essay i plan to discuss the concept of postcolonialism and then pull into view the contrasting views on Shakespeare's intent with the concept in The Tempest. First i will use Bressler's discussion of it. Then I'm going to use the literary debate we covered in class between Greenblatt and Will as well as the ideas in A Tempest and how aime cesaire further developed ideology in The Tempest. After discussing the the ideas between these sources and contrasting them as well as comparing them, i will synthesize my own opinion into the essay. 
Im going to attempt to use a large context for my discussion and possibly some outside research beyond what we have done is class. Yet for now, my outline consists of mainly the literary debate and how the views expressed in it as well as my own mesh together. All of this discussion will be preceded with postcolonialism arguments. Then in the end, i will connect these discussions together and use the concepts expressed to sum up a final point i want to make about Shakespeare and his writing pursuits on postcolonialism and how the authors in my essay relate and differ. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice job D-Money. You're on the right track. This should be good.
